
Jira REST API Handbook

Here follows a list of Jira REST API’s that you might find useful while working with the redmine2jira tool. For instance you may want to retrieve those nasty Jira internal resource ID’s used in the dictionary mappings in the configuration files.

This handbook is organized in sections, each corresponding to a Jira resource type.


Unless noted otherwise the internal ID field is always id. Should id not be included in the JSON response, the key field can be used in its place.


Some API’s return paginated list of resources, each specifying a maximum number of fetched resources per single call. In such cases you may want to call them multiple times properly tweaking the startAt and maxResults parameters.

In the URL examples below the maxResults parameter is set by default to the maximum number of results each API is able to return per single call.


  • Get a user, either active or inactive, by his username:

  • Get all users, both active and inactive:


    This API returns a paginated list of users. The maximum number of returned users is limited to 1000 (already set in the URL above).

  • Get all users from group, both active and inactive:


    This API returns a paginated list of users. The maximum number of returned users is limited to 50 (already set in the URL above). This API is useful if you configured a special group containing all of your users.


    The value of key field, for the current version of the Jira REST API (v2), is equal to the value of the username field, hence you may simply avoid calling the API’s above if you need to retrieve user ID’s.


  • Get all projects:

  • Get project:


Issue Types

  • Get all issue types:


Issue Statuses

  • Get all issue statuses:

  • Get an issue status:


Issue Priorities

  • Get all issue priorities:


Custom Fields

  • Get all issue fields, both System and Custom:



  • Get project components:



Unfortunately currently there are no endpoints in Jira REST API v2 to work with labels, and there is no way to workaround.
